Time to prepare you to become legally, morally and financially safe...
Betsie Point Firearms Training was formed to instruct and train law-abiding citizens in the safe use of firearms. We are focused on giving students the knowledge and skills needed to obtain a Concealed Pistol License in the state of Michigan.
What You’ll Learn During This CPL Training...
Concealed Pistol License
How To - Develop a personal & Home protection plan,
How To Deal with - Violent Encounters and the Aftermath,
How To Protect yourself and Family - Self Defense Firearm Basics and Advance skills
Review - The Legal Definitions of Reasonable Force and Deadly Force
Michigan Law - Current MI Laws
Gear & Gadgets - Guns, Holsters, Safes
This Class is packed with too much information to list here... Ongoing support (email or phone anytime)
This is a NOW Virtual Course – meaning you will take the class portion online through Zoom call from the comfort of your home or on any mobile device. This is a new way of teaching this material. A normal in person CPL class takes about 8 hours to complete including range time. At the end of the online class you will be required to sign up for Mandatory Range time later that day or on a later date.
About Andrew Miller
He has been teaching firearm training since 2009. He is a USCCA Certified Firearms Training Counselor & Instructor. NRA Instuctor & Range Safety Officer. Benzie County Reserve Deputy. Colt and Glock Certified Armour. He also has a FFL (Federal Firearms License) to buy and sell firearms. He loves spending time with his wife and three children. Pizza, Guns, Life and liberty...
Why They Recommend Getting a
CPL from Betsie Point Firearms
WARNING: Space is limited. Our mission is to teach the skills necessary to prepare our students with a level of confidence and competency to increase their chance of surviving a deadly force encounter while in possession of, or while carrying a defensive handgun. We are committed to providing you with the best training available.
Kevin s
Flight Instructor
Andy was an amazing instructor along with Troy who is active law enforcement and had a very wide array of knowledge to cover all the questions asked in class. I really enjoyed the USCCA outline.
I would recommend this class and only this class.
lindsey M
5 out of 5
Your class was very educational and a great experience 🙂
Michael d
Truck Driver
Just took the class today! Andy and crew did a great job! Anybody looking for a great informative CPL class this is the one!
What Are You Waiting For? Let’s GET your CPL Now!